Entries by dZ

Healing your mindset

In the last few weeks, I noticed some kind of behavior of myself that I don’t like. I found out that whenever an opportunity came along, my first reaction was to reject, saying ’no’, almost panicking, throwing roadblocks on the road. I’ll give an example. A while ago, my co-producer Raoul and I had a […]

New stuff coming up!

I’m very excited that in less than two months, we’re heading to the recording studio again! First, we’re gonna record the bass and drum tracks. Right now, I’m in the middle of prepping the lead sheets for the musicians who are collaborating on this new adventure. There’s still a lot of work to be done. […]

d’Z Debut EP Album OUT NOW!

Here’s what other people say about the EP “Connected”: “This is a stellar effort, with top-notch vocals, musicianship and production.” – Jamspere.com “Dazzling musical arrangements and a super-tight rhythm section.” – Soundlooks.com “NO LESS THAN BREATHTAKINGLY IMPRESSIVE!” -Brandooze.com “CONNECTED – Spectacular and pure adrinaline to the ear.” – Videomusicstars.com “Connected – Sparkling funky rhythms!” – […]


There is some craziness in this world, people say. But what does it mean exactly? Is it some conclusion based on the majority view? Is there a general principle which not everyone is aware of, ergo those are the crazy ones? Some people thought I was crazy when I decided to make an EP with […]

Be the trigger

One of the questions people like to ask once in a while is: What’s your goal, what do you want to achieve with your music? To be honest, I’ve been asking myself the same thing for a long time. But every time I come to the same conclusion: I want to inspire, make people feeling […]

Nurturing Your Seedlings

There are times I wonder why we do the things we do. Even the things we do unconsciously. What is our drive, our motivation? Do we live our lives to the fullest? Are we supposed to do so? I got a wake-up call three years ago. Literately. Couldn’t sleep on a hot summers eve. I […]